Kindergarten Program
The kindergarten year comes at a time of significant cognitive and social/emotional development for children. Kindergarten lays the foundation for learning and the basic skills necessary for the development of all other skills.
Our classrooms are purposefully prepared environments with stimulating materials.
Our comfortable learning environment helps to build the confidence and self-esteem that is essential for life-long academic and personal achievement.
All teaching is hands-on with specially designed Montessori materials for Mathematics, Language, Science, Practical Life activities, Geography, Sensorial Exploration, Music and Art.
The kindergarten year highlights critical thinking, composition and research based projects.
Students choose activities from the environment and work at a pace for his/her own education and developmental growth.
Students are encouraged to explore, make discoveries and use their imagination.
The Montessori teacher’s goal is to guide and facilitate. Acting as a guide for the students involves more than certain words and particular tone. It also involves awareness, attitude, body language and actions that reflect the principles of the Montessori method.
If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them to advance on the way to independence.