Huntington Montessori School is a private, non-denominational school. We are currently enrolling children ages 24 months through 6 years for Pre-K and full-day Kindergarten and grades 1-3rd.

It is our passionate belief that the methods developed by Maria Montessori encourage and allow children to grow towards their potential at each stage of their development. Our Montessori School is unique in the way in which we work hard to ensure our students not only to achieve high academic success, but also excel in the skills necessary to navigate the world as thoughtful citizens.
Our priority at Montessori School is to provide a loving, nurturing, caring community for your children in which each is acknowledged as unique and special. Every child has his or her individual talents, gifts and ways of learning which bring our educational environment a richness and diversity for all children in every classroom.
Huntington Montessori is conveniently located in a secure school building in South Huntington School District. Huntington Montessori strives to provide a beautiful, stimulating, caring and enriching environment where children have every opportunity to learn to the best of their abilities. The teachers are certified and experienced.
The Montessori School additionally provides quality before-school and after-school care. Parents of potential students may call to set up an appointment to come see first hand how the Montessori philosophy provides a unique hands-on learning experience of education.
Maria Montessori
Born 1870
graduated from the University of Rome Medical School.
In 1898, became a director of the State Orthophrenic School, where she achieved a degree of success with children whom most people thought impossible to teach.
Maria Montessori was the first advocate to this point of view and her incredible success with students from toddler through adolescence in the slums of Italy quickly made her an international celebrity. Over the past 100 years, the Montessori philosophy has become one of the most widely accepted and proven forms of education. Because of its success, Montessori has become one of the fastest growing and most popular educational methods in the world.